Privacy Policy ("conQUIZtador") is an online site. As a player in the digital economy, we are particularly concerned with the protection of the personal data of our users.

You will find below the conQUIZtador Privacy Policy - the explanation of our practices and our commitments with regard to the processing of your personal data.

We implement a process of continuous improvement of our compliance with the general data protection regulations (GDPR) as well as with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as the "Data Protection Act" to ensure the best level of protection to your personal data. For any information on the protection of personal data, you can also consult the website of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL)

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The controller is, within the meaning of the GDPR, the entity that defines for what purpose(s) and how your personal data is used.

conQUIZtador notably publishes the website which promotes learning and entertainment without advertising. Use of the site is also completely free.

As part of our activities, we may collect and process personal data relating to our users. These different data processing operations are detailed in this Privacy Policy.

What data is collected about you and for what reasons?

1. Connection to the site

When you connect to the site, a certain amount of data is automatically collected by the site host concerning your terminal (such as a computer, smartphone or tablet) and your browser. This particularly includes your IP address.

This data is collected for the purpose of ensuring the connection between your terminal and the site's servers, as well as to subsequently detect bugs (a bug is a design flaw in a computer program which causes a malfunction) and attempted cyber attacks.

The collection and processing of this data are thus justified by conQUIZtador's legitimate interest in providing a functional, secure site suitable for the various types of terminals and browsers on the market, in accordance with article 6.1.f of the GDPR.

2. Creation of an account and management of registered users

Information needed to create an account and manage registered users: we collect the information you provided to us when you registered, such as username and email address.

This data processing allows conQUIZtador to ensure the management of its registered users and is justified by the execution of the contract to which you are a party, namely the conQUIZtador Terms of Service, in accordance with article 6.1.b of the GDPR.

These data are kept for the duration of the contract, then for the applicable limitation period for the purposes of managing the disputes described in point 7. below.

This data processing is based on your consent, in accordance with Article 6.1.a of the GDPR.

This data is kept until you withdraw your consent, then for the applicable limitation period for the purposes of managing disputes described in point 7. below.

Session cookies: conQUIZtador also uses session cookies. These cookies temporarily store the information you have given us and thus allow us to track your movements from one page to another without asking you again for this information to authenticate you.

This data processing is based on conQUIZtador's legitimate interest in improving the browsing experience on its site, in accordance with Article 6.1.f of the GDPR.

These data are kept for the duration of the browsing session. You can configure these cookies from your browser settings.

3. Technical support

When you ask us to resolve a technical problem, we collect a certain amount of information such as username and email address, the date and time of your request, as well as the circumstances of the reported problem.

In addition, it may occur that our moderators need to access your account to see a problem or take an action on your behalf that you have requested.

This data processing is justified by conQUIZtador's legitimate interest in offering technical support to its users, in accordance with Article 6.1.f of the GDPR.

This data is kept until the problem is resolved, then for the applicable limitation period for the purposes of managing disputes described in point 7. below.

4. Litigation management (possible or current)

We will be likely to keep any data the conservation of which seems necessary or useful to us to prevent a dispute and to manage any litigation or pre-litigation.

We will use it, where appropriate, to prevent, initiate or respond to a dispute of this type, whether or not you are a party to this dispute (for example a dispute relating to the use of our services).

This retention is justified by conQUIZtador's legitimate interest in protecting and defending its rights and interests, including in court, in accordance with Article 6.1.f of the GDPR.

5. Compliance with a legal obligation

We are likely to keep any data the retention of which appears necessary to us to comply with our legal obligations, for the time necessary to comply with these obligations.

This retention is justified by compliance with a legal obligation to which conQUIZtador is subject, in accordance with Article 6.1.c of the GDPR.

We will keep this data for one year, then for the legally applicable limitation period according to the legal obligations concerned.

6. Further processing of data for statistical purposes

In order to maintain statistics relating to the games that took place on the site and in particular to allow you to know your history of the games played as well as your ranking, we will keep your username and other non-personal information, such as party metadata.

This further processing is compatible with the initial collection of your username, justified by the execution of the contract in accordance with Article 6.1.b of the GDPR as indicated in point 2 above, in accordance with recital 50 and Articles 5 and 89 of the GDPR.

As an association, we strive to put all technical and organizational measures in place to achieve the retention periods set out above.

In any case, you remain in control of your data through the right to erasure mentioned below. We will notify you when a request for erasure does not comply with our legal obligations.

Who has access to your data?

Your data is hosted by a secure professional service provider. conQUIZtador teams, moderators and employees are likely to access it within the framework and the limits of their functions.

Some of your data may also be viewed or at least hosted by the following people and organizations:

Technical service providers assisting conQUIZtador for the maintenance and development of the site;

conQUIZtador legal advisers, accounting firms and lawyers;

What rights do you have to control the processing of your personal data?

You have, like any other person whose personal data we collect and process, a number of rights provided for by the regulations.

You can exercise these rights simply by writing directly to the following email address:

Remember to clearly indicate in your e-mail the nature of the right you wish to exercise and the reasons which justify, if applicable, your request to exercise this right.

1. Right of access

You can ask us for confirmation that personal data concerning you is or is not being processed and, when it is, access to such data. You can access your personal data via this link, by being logged in:<username>.

As such, you have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal data we have about you, in an easily understandable format, as well as a copy of this Policy on a durable medium.

2. Right to rectification

You can ask us to correct, complete or update the data we have about you, if it seems to you to be inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete.

In this case, we thank you for kindly communicating to us spontaneously, as far as possible, the new information necessary to proceed to the correction, completion or update requested.

3. Right to withdraw consent

With regard to processing based on your consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time, without justification. Withdrawal of your consent results in the cessation of processing in the future.

4. Right of objection

Data processing based on the legitimate interest of conQUIZtador: with regard to the data processing listed above which is justified by the legitimate interests of conQUIZtador, you have the right to oppose it for reasons relating to your particular situation.

In other words, you can ask conQUIZtador to stop one and / or the other of these treatments with regard to you, by setting out the specific reasons which justify this request.

However, it may happen that conQUIZtador refuses to respond to your request, if the continuation of this processing is necessary for legitimate and compelling reasons from our point of view (for example: if the data concerned are necessary for the protection and defence of conQUIZtador's rights in court or for public information reasons).

Data processed for statistical purposes: with regard to data processing for statistical purposes, you have the right to oppose it for reasons relating to your particular situation, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a mission of public interest.

The opposition (if it is based on valid reasons and there is no compelling legitimate reason or the processing is not necessary for the performance of a task of public interest) will result in the termination processing for the future, but not necessarily destruction of the data concerned: to obtain this destruction, you must exercise your right to erasure under the conditions described below, it being specified that the latter is subject to limitations, set out below after.

5. Right to erasure

You can ask us to delete all or part of the data we have about you, provided that at least one of the following conditions is met:

The data concerned no longer appears necessary for any of the purposes previously explained;

You have withdrawn your consent in accordance with point 3. above;

You have objected to the continuation of this processing in accordance with point 4. above, and furthermore want conQUIZtador to destroy the data concerned;

You consider that your personal data have been the subject of unlawful processing by conQUIZtador;

The data concerned must be erased as a legal obligation;

The data concerned relates to a person who was younger than fifteen (15) years old when the data was collected.

Please note, however, that conQUIZtador is entitled to oppose the deletion of certain data, when their retention is necessary for particularly important reasons, such as the protection and defence of its interests in court.

In addition, we may choose, instead of deleting the data, to proceed with their complete and irreversible anonymization. In this way, we will be entitled to keep this data in a format that no longer allows you to be identified (for example: for statistical purposes).

6. Right to restriction of processing

Failing, for example, to exercise your right to erasure, you can also ask conQUIZtador to “set aside” or “freeze” certain data concerning you, that is to say to keep this data separately, without using them anymore (except legal obligations).

You can make such a request when at least one of the following conditions is met:

The data concerning you appears to be inaccurate to you, and you prefer that conQUIZtador stops using it, until the data is verified and corrected if necessary.

You consider that your personal data have been the subject of unlawful processing by conQUIZtador, but you choose to limit its use rather than delete them;

The data concerned are no longer necessary for any of the purposes set out above, but you want conQUIZtador to keep them anyway for the purposes of defending your legal interests;

You have exercised your right of opposition in accordance with point 4. above, and you prefer that conQUIZtador cease using the data concerned while it is time to verify the merits of your opposition.

In these cases, we will "freeze" the data for the necessary time, for example by means of a "Do not use - Right to limitation exercised" marking.

7. Right to data portability

You can ask us to send you a copy of the data collected on the basis of your consent, allowing their reuse by you or another service provider.

This "right to portability" differs from the right of access mentioned in point 1. above in that its purpose is not to obtain a copy that is necessarily readable by yourself, but a reusable copy of the data, in particular with a view to a change of service provider.

8. Right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death

Finally, you have the right to tell us how you want us to deal with your data in the unfortunate event of your death.

In particular, you can ask us to proceed with the destruction of all your data (subject to imperative conservation needs that we may have, for example for the purposes of defending conQUIZtador's rights in court), or to transmit a copy of all this data to the person of your choice.

You can also designate any person of your choice to be responsible for the execution of these "last wishes"; this person does not necessarily have to be one of your heirs or even the executor in charge of your estate.

Do you feel that we have not responded satisfactorily to your request, or that we are processing your data unlawfully?

In the first instance, we kindly invite you to directly contact conQUIZtador, so that we discuss the problem together, and try to solve it together in the best possible way. You can write to us at

Last updated: April 19, 2022